Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Try Media-Free for a Better Life!

Television is like chewing gum for the mind.
Consider how many hour are wasted amusing ourselves watching television!
Have you noticed changes in your children’s personalities -- increased irritability, impatience, even hostility? Or have you seen them even in yourself? Do you notice that time seems to fly away from you, and that the contentment and peace you once cherished appears to have vanished?
Try looking at the amount of time you and your families spend ingesting the output of our major media: television, radio, even printed materials. And if a little voice tells you those could be the guilty parties, try a radical concept that’s gaining popularity: go media-free for a trial period of thirty or forty days.
You’ve probably heard for years the familiar complaints about the effects of television. Well, the news is that these ill-effects have become more proven and more dire with every passing year. It has become an established fact that TV watching leads to poor dietary habits, inactivity (and all the resulting health effects, even an increased risk of juvenile diabetes!), and a host of behaviour ills, including a greater likelihood of teenaged viewers starting to smoke!
Yet in our advertising-driven, sensationalistic times, even the other forms of media can cause stress, anxiety, and a feeling of disconnection from our surroundings. Going “without” these time-wasting, attention-sucking diversions can actually add hours to your day and open up your life to the kinds of enrichments you always wanted to enjoy but “never found the time for.”
Your kids will tell you they’re bored at first, but boredom passes quickly and usually turns to creativity. Soon you’ll find your family taking hikes, playing games, engaging in conversation, and much more. One thing they won’t be doing: missing the hours in front of the tube.

Dr. Steven Murdoch Chiropractor -:

Dr. Steven Murdoch Chiropractor in Kitchener is the proud owner of Fairway Chiropractic Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. He offers family chiropractic care at his Chiropractic office.

For more information visit our Website:

Monday, 6 May 2013

What are Fibroid Tumors?

The good news about fibroid tumors is they are rarely cancerous. The bad news is they tend to develop during a woman’s peak reproductive years and they can affect your ability to become pregnant.
Many believe these common tumors are the result of increased estrogen levels, especially from birth control drugs.
Many believe these common tumors are the result of increased estrogen levels, especially from birth control drugs.
Fibroids are the most common type of tumor found in the pelvis and they are generally located in various spots in the uterus. Normally, you wouldn’t even be aware that you have them, unless they grow excessively large or cause discomfort. They rarely develop before the age of 20 and are non-existent before the onset of puberty, leading many to believe that they may be an adverse reaction to estrogen production. Generally, they shrink in size and can actually disappear in post-menopausal women who do not take estrogen supplements.
Pregnancy, a time when there is increased estrogen production, and the use of birth control pills that contain estrogen, may cause fibroids to grow bigger and more rapidly.
Most women with fibroid tumors experience no symptoms at all. When they do, they generally complain of pain and excessive bleeding during menstruation, which may not be noticeable at first. But then the woman’s periods may begin to last longer, and sometimes there is constant bleeding. Another symptom may be an enlarged stomach due to the stretching of the uterus that results in the intestines being pushed upward.
Fibroids are usually discovered during an annual gynecological examination when a mass may be detected. Many doctors will perform an ultrasound to properly diagnose the mass.
While hysterectomy was once the treatment of choice for fibroids, there are far less invasive alternatives. Some researchers in the field of natural health believe that deficiencies in certain trace minerals may be responsible for the growth of fibroids. Trace mineral supplements and certain herbal remedies, when combined with chiropractic care, have shown promising results.
Surgery and the use of pharmacological agents should always be the last resort for treating any health problem. Try natural, safer, less-invasive methods first!

Dr. Steven Murdoch Chiropractor -:

Dr. Steven Murdoch Chiropractor in Kitchener is the proud owner of Fairway Chiropractic Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. He offers family chiropractic care at his Chiropractic office.

For more information visit our Website:

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Give Your Medicine Cabinet an Overhaul

Wellness image.
We use so much medication in our culture that we build special cabinets just to hold it all! Have you checked yours lately?
When was the last time you took a good look into your medicine cabinet? You most likely clean your bathroom with some degree of regularity, so why not your medicine cabinet? If you’re like most of us, there’s probably some stuff that’s been in there for years!
Here are some ways to give your medicine cabinet a makeover:
  • Toss out expired medications. Most medications lose 10% of their potency within a year’s time, and 90% may or may not be effective, depending on the drug. Some supplements, such as fish oil, may even become rancid after the expiration date.
  • Get rid of makeup products that have been around for a year or two. Unlike medicines, makeup has no expiration date, but the anti-bacterial components usually break down after a year or two. Mascara has the shortest shelf life and should be changed frequently because it may contain bacteria harmful to your eyes.
  • Toothbrushes and razor blades tend to grow bacteria and staph relatively quickly and need to be replaced often.
Now, that you’re rid of all the old stuff, let’s talk about things you should have in your medicine cabinet, things like:
  • Toothpaste
  • Aloe for burns
  • Bandages and antiseptics for scrapes and cuts
  • Herbs and essential oils such as chamomile, ginger and lavender
In other words, you don’t need much. Taking the time to clean up this one area of your home may have some profound effects on the future of your health!

Dr. Steven Murdoch Chiropractor:

Chiropractor Kitchener Dr. Steven Murdoch is the proud owner of Fairway Chiropractic Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. He offers family chiropractic care at his Chiropractic office.

For more information visit our Website:

Friday, 3 May 2013

Can Chiropractic Improve Your Game?

Man golfing
Golf can result in injuries anywhere in your body!
It’s been called the “gentleman’s game,” but more and more women are joining in as well. Many schools and colleges have teams and it’s considered the perfect game for networking or negotiating important business deals.
We’re talking about golf, and golf courses are big business, from building them to maintaining them, as more and more players are getting into the game!
So… how can chiropractic care help you to improve your golf game?
  • Many golfers suffer from chronic low back pain. Back pain responds exceptionally well to chiropractic adjustments, increasing mobility and range of motion.
  • Chiropractic care can help to improve posture and flexibility, two components of longer and more powerful drives.
  • We become less flexible with age and immobility (working at a desk job, sitting in a car driving everyday) contributes to that as well. Swinging a golf club requires collaboration on the part of many joints from the feet up to the hands, including ankles, knees, hips, spine, elbows and wrists. Lack of flexibility contributes to many repetitive motion injuries in the joints. Chiropractic care attempts to address, correct and prevent joint injuries.
  • When combined with stretching and corrective exercises, chiropractic care is a cost effective, all-natural way to improve mobility… which translates to consistency during the four – five hours it takes to play 18 holes.
Fancy new high-tech clubs, shoes with the right spikes and the latest golf attire do nothing to improve your game. However, increased flexibility and mobility can certainly improve your golf score. Just ask the pros – nearly 75% of them receive regular chiropractic care while on tour each year.
Jeffry H. Blanchard, golf professional and author of The Geometry of Golf stated, “The chiropractor is the perfect choice to evaluate, educate, treat, condition and train those who choose to play golf.”

Dr. Steven Murdoch:

Chiropractor Kitchener Dr. Steven Murdoch is the proud owner of Fairway Chiropractic Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. He offers family chiropractic care at his Chiropractic office.

For more information visit our Website:

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Seven Reasons to See a Chiropractor

Seven reasons to visit a chiropractor

Seven simple reasons.
Do you know someone we could help? Here are seven reasons to send them our way.
  1. Effective. Because the nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body, and the primary focus of chiropractic care is the restoration of nervous system integrity, chiropractic care can be helpful for a wide range of health care problems. 
  2. Natural. Simply put, chiropractic care doesn’t add chemicals or foreign substances to your body. And chiropractic care doesn’t remove parts or take things out. Instead, chiropractic care seeks to restore proper control and regulation of your body so health can return, naturally. 
  3. Safe. Chiropractic care is safe. So safe, even newborns get adjusted to correct the spinal trauma from the birth process. Chiropractic care is tailored specifically to each patient’s health problem and individual health goals. 
  4. Few adverse effects. There are no warning labels required for chiropractic care. In fact, most "effects" of chiropractic care are considered positive effects, such as better balance, more energy, increased vitality, extended endurance and improved coordination. Even the rare instances of muscle stiffness or other reactions are often signs that healthy changes are being made. 
  5. No obligation. Tour our website or schedule a complimentary consultation to find out if you’re a good candidate for chiropractic care. If you are, we’ll invite you to begin care. If you’re not, we’ll recommend someone we think can help you. 
  6. Delighted patients. If those critical of chiropractic had any real basis for their objections, chiropractic would have disappeared a 100 years ago. However, it continues to thrive due to high levels of patient satisfaction. It simply works. 
  7. Smart choice. It makes sense to correct the underlying cause (loss of proper nervous system control of the body) rather than numb the body with drugs. Research shows that those who are more highly educated choose chiropractic care.
If you know someone that you think we could help, please send them our way, or at least share these reasons why chiropractic care makes sense.

Dr. Steven Murdoch:

Chiropractor Kitchener Dr. Steven Murdoch is the proud owner of Fairway Chiropractic Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. He offers family chiropractic care at his Chiropractic office.

For more information visit our Website:

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

How Does Your Nervous System Work?

The nervous system in your body is made up of two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
Right now, it’s taking care of millions of details to keep you alive.Right now, it’s taking care of millions of details to keep you alive.

The brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The spinal cord transmits sensory messages to the brain and motor messages from the brain. Sensory nerves carry messages from receptors to the brain. If you touch a hot iron, pain receptors tell your brain to move your hand. Motor nerves send signals from the brain to the muscles in the body. These nerves help us to do things such as walk, kick a ball or pick up an object.
The peripheral nervous system transports the messages between the central nervous system and the body. It consists of cranial and spinal nerves that carry messages to and from every cell in your body.
Part of the peripheral nervous system is called the autonomic nervous system. The actions of the autonomic nervous system are generally involuntary. It controls actions such as breathing, your heartbeat and digestion ~ actions you don’t even have to think about!
The autonomic nervous system is made up of the sympathetic system that alerts the body when there is an emergency or danger. When this happens, your heart beats faster, your blood pressure rises, and your pupils dilate in what is called a “flight or fight” response. The parasympathetic system returns your body to normal once the danger has passed.
Chiropractic care is designed to improve the integrity of the nervous system so that everything works the way it should. That is why it is important to have your spine checked at regular intervals.

Dr. Steven Murdoch:

Chiropractor Kitchener Dr. Steven Murdoch is the proud owner of Fairway Chiropractic Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. He offers family chiropractic care at his Chiropractic office.

For more information visit our Website: