We use so much medication in our culture that we build special cabinets just to hold it all! Have you checked yours lately?
When was the last time you took a good look into your medicine cabinet? You most likely clean your bathroom with some degree of regularity, so why not your medicine cabinet? If you’re like most of us, there’s probably some stuff that’s been in there for years!
Here are some ways to give your medicine cabinet a makeover:
- Toss out expired medications. Most medications lose 10% of their potency within a year’s time, and 90% may or may not be effective, depending on the drug. Some supplements, such as fish oil, may even become rancid after the expiration date.
- Get rid of makeup products that have been around for a year or two. Unlike medicines, makeup has no expiration date, but the anti-bacterial components usually break down after a year or two. Mascara has the shortest shelf life and should be changed frequently because it may contain bacteria harmful to your eyes.
- Toothbrushes and razor blades tend to grow bacteria and staph relatively quickly and need to be replaced often.
Now, that you’re rid of all the old stuff, let’s talk about things you should have in your medicine cabinet, things like:
- Toothpaste
- Aloe for burns
- Bandages and antiseptics for scrapes and cuts
- Herbs and essential oils such as chamomile, ginger and lavender
In other words, you don’t need much. Taking the time to clean up this one area of your home may have some profound effects on the future of your health!
Chiropractor Kitchener Dr. Steven Murdoch is the proud owner of Fairway Chiropractic Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. He offers family chiropractic care at his Chiropractic office.
For more information visit our Website: http://www.fairwaychiropractic.net
Dr. Steven Murdoch Chiropractor:
For more information visit our Website: http://www.fairwaychiropractic.net
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